
Learning Management System Supported by E-Commerce Russell’s Case Study

Business Challenge

Our client wanted to encompass forms of technology-enhanced learning or online or Web-based learning or E-Learning. To enable the users across India to buy their products and services, our client wanted to have a business-to-consumer or B2C module through E-Commerce.

JIVAs Solution

We developed a perfect LMS application for the client. This LMS application can be used in administration, documentation, tracking, and reporting of training programs, classroom and online events, E-Learning programs, and training content. The different dimensions of LMS we covered were; Student self-service, training workflow, the provision of online learning, online assessment,
management of continuous professional education (CPE), collaborative learning and training resource management. We created the E-Commerce application to facilitate the students to buy the various learning materials online.

Business Impact

The web-enabled application helped Russell’s to meet the increased market place across India with the unique requirements of those who want to learn Spoken English, Soft Skills and Communication Skills for professional or personal reasons. For all the payments and money transfers to be made through the Internet, we integrated the application with PayPal gateway, providing
the client with a safe and secure Ecommerce solution.